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 eXeL@B —› Софт, инструменты —› New Generation of USB Emulators
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Ранг: 24.3 (новичок)
Активность: 0.010
Статус: Участник

Создано: 20 декабря 2007 03:14
· Личное сообщение · #1


hi all

this is a new generation of usb emulators, and is the result of cooperation of me and souz.
we used ms DSF (device simulation framework) as a base framework, DSF let developer to make usb simulated devices
as a COM based dll or exe. for more information see msdn.
in our emulator you can see DSF runtime,SoftUsbDongle.dll and TORO_SOUZ_RMSV8_EMULATOR.dll and USBEmulatorUtility.exe.
+ DSF runtime must be installed before installation and plug of dongles.
+ SoftUsbDongle.dll is usb request dispatcher.
+ USBEmulatorUtility.exe is the utility which can plug simulated dongles.
+ TORO_SOUZ_RMSV8_EMULATOR.dll is an actuall emualtor. it contain codes to emulate a usb sentinel superpro for SentinelLM v8 (RMS V8)

actually USBEmulatorUtility.exe search its folder to find dlls which their names start with "TORO_SOUZ_" string and try to plug them as usb dongles.
we already implimented such dlls for hasp4/hl,hasrdlock/sentinel supero pro and ultrapro and WIBU.
(souz made for novex/guadrant too) and we are working on MARX CRYPTO BOX usb dongles.
the main advantage of usage of DSF is compatibility with x86/X64 and vista windows, unfortunatelly it can not suport w9x and win2k ,we are working to add support for win2k.
however, as you know for each platform, code must be compiled agian.
the main disadvantage of DSF is need to manual plug/unplug. i wrote a service to plug dongles in system startup,
but it is not a perfect solution, waiting ms to release a more better version of DSF.

so for use our emulator,
run install.bat, it will install ms DSF runtime and will configure it for emulator usage.
each time you want to use emulator, you must run usbemulatorutility and press install button,
and you must not close utility untill finish of your work, becuase emulator is a dll and must be loaded
in the context of emulator utility, so after finish of work press uninstall button and then close utility.

for uninstallation of emulator simply run uninstall.bat

P.S. i protected my utility and emulator with winlicense, but i uncheked advanced debuger monitoring and registry/file monitoring. so you can use olly...




Ранг: 12.5 (новичок)
Активность: 0.010
Статус: Участник

Создано: 21 декабря 2007 10:40
· Личное сообщение · #2

Its for 6-7 month ago
and its not universal emulator and utility and emulator protected with winlicense

Ранг: 114.4 (ветеран), 21thx
Активность: 0.040.01
Статус: Участник

Создано: 21 декабря 2007 18:05 · Поправил: Larry
· Личное сообщение · #3

Поговаривали, что механизм, предложенный TORO не совсем подходит для эмуляции ключей. К тому же, поделки TORO всегда отличались своим большим размером.

А инфа действительно старая.

Ранг: 24.3 (новичок)
Активность: 0.010
Статус: Участник

Создано: 27 декабря 2007 19:48
· Личное сообщение · #4

if but the complete tool doesn't share toro

 eXeL@B —› Софт, инструменты —› New Generation of USB Emulators
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