Armadillo KeyTool can be used to generate and analyse serials for the Armadillo protection system.
The tool supports all levels (Unsigned -Short V3 Level 10)and it provides a clean, small GUI with a tab control to switch between various functions of the program.
The key generation tab has a lot of obvious fields and buttons, only the Calc and Generate buttons require some attention:Enter a template andpush the Calc button to have the symmetric key and values used for key signing generated. Now change the needed values (Sym, otherinfo)and use the Generate button to generate serials. The mod checkbox is used to generate modification keys (that can change the otherinfo values)
The Key analysis tab should be totally obvious... Just enter a name (nameless keys also supported), HWID and serial to retrieve all information (KeyString, symmetric key, datecreated, otherinfo and uninstall key)
The tab Key Functions was created for personal/debugging use and it is used to encode/decode and encrypt/decrypt keys/keybytes, just don't pay much attention to it.
I created this tool because other tools (available to the public) have limited support (no nameless, no keystring, no analysis, no level10).
XpeH_BAM writes: but how can use it as an example ?make tut please What yet can be tutorial? There is enough description of author + picture. And if it is not enough, then it does not need you...
Ok, sorry for bumping... I should mention that you should NEVER check the digital river checkbox, unless you are doing debugging stuff (brute forcing the encryption template from the symmetric)