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 eXeL@B —› Софт, инструменты —› Assembler and 8086 Microprocessor Emulator
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Ранг: 54.6 (постоянный)
Активность: 0.020
Статус: Участник

Создано: 21 сентября 2005 19:28
· Личное сообщение · #1

Assembler and 8086 Microprocessor Emulator >>> Скриншот>>>http://www.emu8086.com/screenshots/emu_8086_assembler.gif
Сайт : www.emu8086.com/
The interactive system to study assembly language, computer architecture and reverse engineering.
emu8086 is the emulator of 8086 (Intel ® and AMD ® compatible) microprocessor with integrated 8086 assembler and tutorials for beginners. The emulator runs programs like the real microprocessor in step-by-step mode. It shows registers, memory, stack, variables and flags. All memory values can be investigated and edited by a double click. The instructions can be executed back and forward.

emu8086 can create a tiny operating system and write its binary code to a bootable floppy disk. This software package includes several external virtual devices: robot, stepper motor, led display, and traffic lights intersection. Virtually anyone with any programming experience can design animated virtual devices in Java, C#, .Net, Visual Basic or even in Assembly language.

emu8086 can partly emulate the output of a few low level debug commands, upcoming versions of the emulator will offer a complete emulation with several enhancements that cannot be found in the original Microsoft® debug.exe

A multi-base calculator can solve mathematical and logical expressions with hexadecimal, octal and binary values.

The integrated assembler generates real binary machine code like tasm or masm.
it can replace other assemblers for small and middle sized educational projects.

Please note, the emulator shows registers and offsets in hexadecimal. the source code such as MOV AH, 15 makes the emulator to show AH=0F and not AH=15. it is required to put h suffixes after all hexadecimal values, for example: MOV AH, 15The microprocessor emulator with integrated assembler. online reference, examples and tutorials.
The emulator is limited to 90 days of free evaluation period

Ранг: 54.6 (постоянный)
Активность: 0.020
Статус: Участник

Создано: 22 сентября 2005 18:55
· Личное сообщение · #2

Полезное дополнение к Emu8086 - Microprocessor Emulator v4.0 Beta 8


 eXeL@B —› Софт, инструменты —› Assembler and 8086 Microprocessor Emulator
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