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 eXeL@B —› WorldWide —› ASProtect 2.1x SKE some help needed
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Ранг: 2.0 (гость)
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Создано: 09 июня 2007 19:24
· Личное сообщение · #1


I am a newbie in cracking. I want to unpack a certain application (because I use it :s8.
It is much higher that my current ability though

Peid says:
ASProtect 2.1x SKE -> Alexey Solodovnikov

I have tried in Olly using Volx 's script, got an oep address and then went into imprec to get the IAT. There are stolen bytes though (which I haven't understood how to restore yet ) and I don't even think I got the OEP address right.
I then tried using Stripper 's last public release. It didn't work.
I guess it was packed with a version that defeats it, so if there is someone who could try to unpack it using the private version, you would make me quite happy!!!!

program name is xfeeder.exe
I have uploaded it http://rapidshare.com/files/36169128/XFder.rar.html http://rapidshare.com/files/36169128/XFder.rar.html here. (less that 1M)
if you run it, please note it tries to connect to the publisher 's site to get a new licence. If you don't want that, just block it with your firewall.

Thank you!

Ранг: 332.0 (мудрец)
Активность: 0.180
Статус: Участник
•Pr0tEcToRs KiLLeR•

Создано: 09 июня 2007 22:18
· Личное сообщение · #2


 eXeL@B —› WorldWide —› ASProtect 2.1x SKE some help needed
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