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eXeL@B —› WorldWide —› Help on move a structure in ASM |
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Создано: 04 мая 2007 22:00 · Поправил: iNNos · Личное сообщение · #1 Hi guys, needed same lil help to move same structures in ASM like : 1)Question: 003045B0 . 47 65 74 50 72 6F 63 65 73 73 48 65 61 70 00 ASCII "GetProcessHeap",0 moving this to for example same NOP byte like : 00407650 90 NOP 00407660 90 NOP 00407661 90 NOP How can i move this ? 2)Question: How can i move this big function (check the image under) ? ,where is the comments there is a structure i think ,how can i move all that small piece of code ,just for example so i can understand better this here the Text version with expressions: 00305561 |. 6A 00 PUSH 0 ; /pModule = NULL 00305563 |. FF15 04104000 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA>] ; \GetModuleHandleA 3)Question: For example how is possible to rewrite this funtion in assemble mode : CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA>] ? Thanks so much in advance cheers iNNos |
Создано: 04 мая 2007 22:30 · Поправил: FrenFolio · Личное сообщение · #2 What do you mean by termin "structure"? In your examples are usual API-functions, but not structures... iNNos ?????: 3)Question: For example how is possible to rewrite this funtion in assemble mode : CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA>] About this, - for calling in assembly language program you can use this construction invoke GetModuleHandle, ADDR lpModuleName, where lpModuleName - address of module name to return handle for. For detailed information read "Win32 Programmer's Reference". ----- Программист SkyNet |
Создано: 05 мая 2007 01:27 · Поправил: iNNos · Личное сообщение · #3 Hi FrenFolio ,yes i was meaning API structure/functions ,my english isn't so good srry ,then really thanks for the explaination of the 3* question ,i have understood quite well ,i'm reading the ebook you seggest me "Win32 Programmer's Reference" ,hope sameone will help me also with the previous 2 questions . thanks so much in advance cheers iNNos |
Создано: 05 мая 2007 02:27 · Личное сообщение · #4 00305561 |. 6A 00 PUSH 0 ; /pModule = NULL 00305563 |. FF15 04104000 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA>] ; Indeed it's the same as: call dword ptr [addr_func], and also you can poke this bytes (FF15 04104000) (and push 0 too) anywhere - the command'd the same. ----- The one derivative you manage is the one I abhore (c) Slipknot |
Создано: 18 мая 2007 02:41 · Личное сообщение · #5 Thanks so much guys , just last question about this : [quote] and also you can poke this bytes (FF15 04104000) (and push 0 too) anywhere - the command'd the same.[/quote] What mean exactly that ? didnt understood this ,like what mean "you can poke this bytes" ? Only this didnt understood Thanks again /iNNos/ |
Создано: 18 мая 2007 16:51 · Поправил: FrenFolio · Личное сообщение · #6 iNNos ?????: What mean exactly that ? didnt understood this ,like what mean "you can poke this bytes" ? Expression "you can poke this bytes" means you must simply change these bytes to 90. For this goal you can use any HEX-editor or debugger OllyDbg. Just find the signature "6A 00 FF 15 04 10 40 00" and change each byte to 90. Opcode "90" equals to command NOP - "empty" command, which force the processor do no operations. ----- Программист SkyNet |
Создано: 18 мая 2007 18:13 · Личное сообщение · #7 |
eXeL@B —› WorldWide —› Help on move a structure in ASM |