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 eXeL@B —› WorldWide —› Need help extracting setup.exe from wrapper!
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Создано: 05 апреля 2007 07:32
· Личное сообщение · #1


I saw this thread and thought it would be better to post my request here.

I need help in extracting a setup program from a "wrapper." When you execute wrapper the setup program will extract itself if it finds a valid older .exe file, or if you enter a valid email address and serial number.

Now I'm a newbee to this scene, but I have tried to solve this myself (obviously without success)

Here is the info from Exinfo PE:

"Generic check - Aspack v2.1x -> Alexey Solodovnikov - Overlay Data : Nothing discovered "

"unpack Stripper.exe v.2.07 (not 2.11) or AspackDie 1.3d - from /www.exetools.com/unpackers.htm or ASPack unpacker by PE_Kill 2006"

I have tried all of the programs (and many more) suggested by Exinfo PE, except PE_Kill's, ASPack_u_11, which didn't run of my system (Win2K SP4).

I have uploaded the file to: rapidshare.com/files/19507826/ntp510wp.exe.html

Thanks in advance.

Ранг: 328.7 (мудрец), 73thx
Активность: 0.170.01
Статус: Участник

Создано: 05 апреля 2007 12:48
· Личное сообщение · #2

rapidshare.com/files/24429000/ntp510wp.zip.html - unpacked only

Ранг: 5.0 (гость)
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Создано: 05 апреля 2007 19:58
· Личное сообщение · #3


Thanks, but it didn;t work

I need to have the setup program extracted from the wrapper. The wrapper won't allow me to install the program because I don't have an older version of the program to update, or a valid key to unlock it from the wrapper.

If the setup program is separated from the wrapper it can be installed without having a valid older program or a unlock key.

Can the setup program be extracted (seperated) from the wrapper?

Ранг: 328.7 (мудрец), 73thx
Активность: 0.170.01
Статус: Участник

Создано: 05 апреля 2007 21:02
· Личное сообщение · #4

try it

Ранг: 5.0 (гость)
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Статус: Участник

Создано: 05 апреля 2007 22:31
· Личное сообщение · #5


Thanks again, but there is still something wrong. Although this program runs and is 5.2, I think that there are still some features that are not activated. For example the spell checker and thesaurus are not available, and the title bar says trail.

Here is info about trial mode limitations:

README.TXT for NoteTab Pro™ 5.2 (Trial version)
3. Trial Limitations
This NoteTab trial version will run for 30 days starting from the moment you first execute the program. Make sure that your system clock is set to the correct date before you run NoteTab. Altering the system clock during the evaluation period may reduce the days you can use NoteTab or even end the trial.

* 30-days trial period.
* No spell-checker and thesaurus feature.
* Startup time less fast than full version.
* Will not run under Windows Vista and Wine.

I think that if the program is extracted from the wrapper without the complete setup, it defaults to trial mode

So it looks like the complete setup program has to be extracted from the wrapper to install the program properly.

I don't have Vista installed so I can't see if it will run on that O/S, but I do know that the spell checker and the thesaurus are disabled.

I don't know if the complete setup program can be extracted from the wrapper, but I appreciate your time and effort.


Ранг: 328.7 (мудрец), 73thx
Активность: 0.170.01
Статус: Участник

Создано: 07 апреля 2007 18:36
· Личное сообщение · #6


2. search Google for full 4.95 version - it exists in p2p
1+2 may be help you

Ранг: 5.0 (гость)
Активность: 0=0
Статус: Участник

Создано: 10 апреля 2007 09:18
· Личное сообщение · #7

Thanks r99,

I give it a try.

 eXeL@B —› WorldWide —› Need help extracting setup.exe from wrapper!
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