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 eXeL@B —› WorldWide —› Neuroshell Trader 6 - 7 addons
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Ранг: 0.3 (гость)
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Создано: 05 августа 2019 01:57 · Поправил: mimtek
· Личное сообщение · #1

Bridge / Interface Neuroshell Trader - Metatrader 5
Does anyone here know if there is a bridge from Neuroshell Trader to Metatrader 5 (in both directions)?
The interface should send data from Metatrader 5 to Neuroshell and the corresponding trading teams and requests in both directions.
There is a bridge from the manufacturer to Metatrader 4, but unfortunately not to MT5.
NSDT-MT4Feed.ex4, MT4NSDTLib.dll, TradePut MT4 file.
It adapts to the MT5 program.
Any hint?
NeuroShell_Day_Traderv5.5 + addons
NeuroShell Trader 6 cracked Not activated "Error while communicating wiht the server"
NeuroShell Trader 7 Network Client
hxxp: //s390298103.onlinehome.us/NST70/NeuroShell%20Trader%207%20Network.exe
NeuroShell Trader 6.5 Release Candidate 3
hxxp: //s390298103.onlinehome.us/NST65RC3/NeuroShell%20Trader%206%20with%20Videos.exe
http://www.forex-warez.com/_2018/08/NeuroShell%20DayTrader%20Power%20User%20v6.5,%20$3495,%20(Feb%202018),%20(www.ward.net,% 20www.neuroshell.com) /
Neuroshell 6 .... 7
Neuroshell Run Time Server
Advanced Indicator Set 3
Cybernetic Analysis
Bowfort IBFeed PRO
Nova AME
Share please

Ранг: 2014.5 (!!!!), 1278thx
Активность: 1.340.25
Статус: Модератор

Создано: 05 августа 2019 08:31
· Личное сообщение · #2

This forum is not Google to look for software.
And there is a Crack requests topic if you want to request a crack.

 eXeL@B —› WorldWide —› Neuroshell Trader 6 - 7 addons
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