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 eXeL@B —› WorldWide —› Help - How to find password for setup made by Smart Install Maker 5.02
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Ранг: 8.5 (гость), 4thx
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Создано: 22 августа 2011 12:24 · Поправил: skypeaful
· Личное сообщение · #1

I made a setup file "Setup_test.exe" using Smart Install Maker 5.02 with password: 1234asd.
I think password store in setup find but I can't find string "1234asd" in hex of exe file. I want to learn about method store password in SIM 5.02 program.
Can anybody help me how to bypass setup password or how to find correct password in file?
Here is the target --> Link <-- (In the link including setup_test.exe and password.txt pack in archiver .rar)
Many thanks in advance for the help of talents!!

Ранг: 1.0 (гость)
Активность: 0=0
Статус: Участник

Создано: 22 августа 2011 12:29
· Личное сообщение · #2

Noway. Password is just key for AES256 crypted files

 eXeL@B —› WorldWide —› Help - How to find password for setup made by Smart Install Maker 5.02
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