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 eXeL@B —› WorldWide —› Unapcking Armadillo 6.xx problems
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Ранг: 0.9 (гость)
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Создано: 07 октября 2008 10:33
· Личное сообщение · #1


My target use Armadillo 5.2 or higher (surely 6.04). The target use only debugblocker

I do this :
1- Bypass debugBlocker with OpenMutexA trick
2- Find the MagicJump and nop it (BP on CreateFileMappingA, GetModuleHandleA, noping the magic jump, VirtualAlloc, then redirect it in pdata section)
3- Find the OEP with BP CreateThread and follow the last CALL EDX

I dump the target using lordpe then I use Imprec, but Imprec didn't find any valid IAT :\ and the PE Header is false.
I've tried to binary copy/paste the Pe HEADER from a new instance into my debugged one, but not good.

I can PM you the target if you want.
I can also post a video of what I've done so far

I don't want a crack solution, but just know how to unpack it and have a working dump file.
I've already unpack some old armadillo 3.x 4.x but this target give me @x_!@

I'm sure it should be easy and I must miss something but what ?

Thanks for your help

Ранг: 247.7 (наставник), 3thx
Активность: 0.160
Статус: Участник

Создано: 07 октября 2008 12:03
· Личное сообщение · #2

Import table almost always is invalid in arma. Click the button show invalid in imprec, then press right mouse button->cut thunks and fix dump

Лень - это подсознательная мудрость

Ранг: 247.7 (наставник), 3thx
Активность: 0.160
Статус: Участник

Создано: 07 октября 2008 12:04 · Поправил: depler
· Личное сообщение · #3


Лень - это подсознательная мудрость

Ранг: 39.1 (посетитель)
Активность: 0.030
Статус: Участник

Создано: 15 октября 2008 21:37
· Личное сообщение · #4

What you target & what options in Armadillo protect enable ?

Ранг: 681.5 (! !), 405thx
Активность: 0.420.21
Статус: Участник
ALIEN Hack Team

Создано: 15 октября 2008 21:46
· Личное сообщение · #5

You need to paste valid header into the debugee before dumping. It's easy - just luanch the target under debugger and when you are at EP you have to open PE Header in Olly and make binary copy, after that open another one copy of Ollydbg, go to the OEP, and when you have reached the OEP you need to overwrite the current header because it was damaged by Armadillo. Just do binary paste and the first header that was valid will be pasted.
Or you can do better - just dump the target with PeTools using option PASTE HEADER FROM DISK
And about IAT - try to find it manually
good luck

Stuck to the plan, always think that we would stand up, never ran.

 eXeL@B —› WorldWide —› Unapcking Armadillo 6.xx problems
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