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 eXeL@B —› WorldWide —› Notepad++ (latest version)
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Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 26 ноября 2007 11:58 · Поправил: Модератор
· Личное сообщение · #1

1. Add Notepad++ self-update capacity (optional).
2. Fix save file dialog crash issue.
3. Fix the crash issue while the length of config.xml is zero.
4. Change the behaviour : When file is deleted from outside and switch back to Notepad++, user will be asked if he want to keep this file. If he answer yes, he will not be asked in the next time.
5. Change Window title from "Notepad++ - file path" to "file path - Notepad++"
6. Fix Run dialog bug: the executable file won't be executed even it is between the double quot.
7. Add open relative file path from command line feature.
8. Fix the crash issue when open a file which does not exist anymore from RFL (if its path exceed certain length).
9. Fix the bug that the title doesn't be updated while file status changed and updated.

Ранг: 282.8 (наставник), 24thx
Активность: 0.260
Статус: Участник

Создано: 26 ноября 2007 12:35
· Личное сообщение · #2

offsite on rus: notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/ru/site.htm
and dwl page: notepad-plus.sourceforge.net/ru/download.php?lang=ru

may all your PUSHes be POPed!

Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 01 января 2008 09:41
· Личное сообщение · #3

Notepad++ v.4.7

Happy New Year.

Notepad++ is a free generic source code editor and Notepad replacement, which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment.

Here's the new release Notepad++ v.4.7 :

This version is more robust thanks to the new recovery system to prevent the fail loading due to the corrupted xml files.
As well, besides the User Language Define System, the new language (Scintilla external lexer) can be added in Notepad++ under the plugin form.
For those who don't like tabbed document interface, "-notabbar" argument can be added in a shortcut or a command line to launch Notepad++ without tab.
This new release includes 2 very demanded plugins : FTP_Synchronize and NppExport plugin.
FTP_Synchronize let you edit a remoted file directly in Notepad++. It uploads modified file while you save it in Notepad++.
NppExport is a true WYSIWYG exporter. It allows you not only to save your source code as a html/rtf file, but also to copy your source code in the clipboard in RTF/HTML format, so you can paste it into your word processor (MS Word, Abiword, openoffice.org Writer) to get the same visual effect.

Here are v4.7 fixed bugs and added features (from v4.6) :

1. Make the "recovery system" for 3 mandatory xml files (config.xml, langs.xml and stylers.xml) to prevent the fail loading due to the corrupted files.
2. Extend plugin capacity - add the Scintilla external lexer capacity.
3. Add the ability to hide the tab bar with "-notabbar" flag in command line (ie. Notepad style).
4. Column selection is remembered now while switching among the files. As well this settings will be stored in the next session.
5. Add 2 Commends (beside Toggle Comment) Comment (Ctrl+K) and Uncomment (Ctrl+Shift+K).
6. Change "UTF8 without BOM" menu item behaviour.
7. Fix the hiding bug while launch time because of change of environment from duel monitors to mono monitor.
8. Remove vista UAC warning for GUP. Add "Update Notepad++" menu item.
9. Add NPPM_HIDETABBAR and NPPM_ISTABBARHIDE plugins messages.
10. Add NPPM_GETNPPVERSION message for plugin system.
11. Enhance the horizontal scroll feature.
12. Change Find in files behaviour : all the hidden directory won't be searched (for example : .svn).
13. Add build date-time in about box.
14. Fix a bug where a file with 2 or more consecutive spaces gives problems with sessions and history.
15. Fix the problem where opening a file when in save as dialog saves the wrong file.

Included plugins :

1. TexFX v0.24a
2. NppExec v0.2 RC2
3. Spell Checker v1.3.1
4. Quick text v0.02
5. Explorer plugin v1.6.1
6. Hex editor v0.84
7. Base64 encoder/decoder v1.2
8. FTP_synchronize v0.9.5.0
9. NppExport v0.2.5.0

For further information about this project, see:
and the project page:


Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 03 января 2008 11:32
· Личное сообщение · #4

Notepad++ v4.7.1



Notepqd++ v4.7.1 is more robust thanks to the new recovery system to prevent the fail loading due to the corrupted files.
In this version, besides the User Language Define System, the new language (Scintilla external lexer) can be added in Notepad++ under the plugin form.
This new release includes 2 very demanded plugins : FTP_Synchronize and NppExport plugin.
FTP_Synchronize let you edit a remoted file directly in Notepad++. It uploads modified file while you save it in Notepad++.
NppExport is a true WYSIWYG exporter. It allows you not only to save your source code as a html/rtf file, but also to copy your source code in the clipbaord in RTF/HTML format, so you can paste it into your word processor (MS Word, Abiword, openoffice.org Writer) to get the same visual effect.

Notepad++ v4.7.1 fixed bugs and added features (from v4.6) :

1. Make the "recovery system" for 3 mandatory xml files (config.xml, langs.xml and stylers.xml) to prevent the fail loading due to the corrupted files.
2. Extend plugin capacity - add the Scintilla external lexer capacity.
3. Add the ability to hide the tab bar with "-notabbar" flag in command line (ie. Notepad style).
4. Column selection is remembered now while switching among the files. As well this settings will be stored in the next session.
5. Add 2 Commends (beside Toggle Comment) Comment (Ctrl+K) and Uncomment (Ctrl+Shift+K).
6. Change "UTF8 without BOM" menu item behaviour.
7. Fix the hiding bug while launch time because of change of environment from duel monitors to mono monitor.
8. Remove vista UAC warning for GUP. Add "Update Notepad++" menu item.
9. Add NPPM_HIDETABBAR and NPPM_ISTABBARHIDE plugins messages.
10. Add NPPM_GETNPPVERSION message for plugin system.
11. Enhance the horizontal scroll feature.
12. Change Find in files behaviour : all the hidden directory won't be searched (for example : .svn).
13. Add build date-time in about box.
14. Fix a bug where a file with 2 or more consecutive spaces gives problems with sessions and history.
15. Fixe the problem where opening a file when in save as dialog saves the wrong file.
16. Add "Clean Recent File List" menu command.

Included plugins:
1. TexFX v0.24a
2. NppExec v0.2 RC2
3. Spell Checker v1.3.1
4. Quick text v0.02
5. Explorer plugin v1.6.1
6. Hex editor v0.84
7. Base64 encoder/decoder v1.2
8. FTP_synchronize v0.9.5.0
9. NppExport v0.2.5.0



Ранг: 230.5 (наставник)
Активность: 0.180
Статус: Участник

Создано: 04 января 2008 02:04
· Личное сообщение · #5


M&#225 enginn renna undan &#254v&#237 sem honum er skapa&#240

Ранг: 51.5 (постоянный), 16thx
Активность: 0.040.01
Статус: Участник

Создано: 07 января 2008 10:14
· Личное сообщение · #6


Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 07 января 2008 13:37
· Личное сообщение · #7



Notepad++ v4.7.3 fixed bugs and added features (from v4.6) :

1. Make the "recovery system" for 3 mandatory xml files (config.xml, langs.xml and stylers.xml) to prevent the fail loading due to the corrupted files.
2. Extend plugin capacity - add the Scintilla external lexer capacity.
3. Add the ability to hide the tab bar with "-notabbar" flag in command line (ie. Notepad style).
4. Column selection is remembered now while switching among the files. As well this settings will be stored in the next session.
5. Add 2 Commends (beside Toggle Comment) Comment (Ctrl+K) and Uncomment (Ctrl+Shift+K).
6. Change "UTF8 without BOM" menu item behaviour.
7. Fix the hiding bug while launch time because of change of environment from duel monitors to mono monitor.
8. Remove vista UAC warning for GUP. Add "Update Notepad++" menu item.
9. Add NPPM_HIDETABBAR and NPPM_ISTABBARHIDE plugins messages.
10. Add NPPM_GETNPPVERSION message for plugin system.
11. Enhance the horizontal scroll feature.
12. Change Find in files behaviour : all the hidden directory won't be searched (for example : .svn).
13. Add build date-time in about box.
14. Fix a bug where a file with 2 or more consecutive spaces gives problems with sessions and history.
15. Fixe the problem where opening a file when in save as dialog saves the wrong file.
16. Add "Clean Recent File List" menu command.
17. Enhance full screen feature (F11).

Included plugins:
1. TexFX v0.24a
2. NppExec v0.2 RC2
3. Spell Checker v1.3.1
4. Quick text v0.02
5. Explorer plugin v1.6.1
6. Hex editor v0.84
7. Base64 encoder/decoder v1.2
8. FTP_synchronize v0.9.6
9. NppExport v0.2.5.0



Ранг: 1288.1 (!!!!), 273thx
Активность: 1.290
Статус: Участник

Создано: 07 января 2008 13:47
· Личное сообщение · #8

thanks, write still

Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 14 января 2008 09:20
· Личное сообщение · #9

Notepad++ v4.7.4

Notepad++ v4.7.4 fixed bugs and added features (from v4.7.4) :

1. Fix the horizon scroll bar flicker bug.
2. Fix the full screen (F11) bug regarding multi-display issue
3. Explorer context menu is available under xp 64 bits et vista 64 bits.
4. Add YAML language.
5. Fix the crash issue of window dialog while clicking Sort button without selected item.
6. Enhance Sort feature GUI part - Enable Sort button only after clicking on the column tab; Disable Sort button after sorting.

Included plugins :

1. TexFX v0.24a
2. NppExec v0.2 RC2
3. Spell Checker v1.3.1
4. Quick text v0.02
5. Explorer plugin v1.6.1
6. Hex editor v0.84
7. Base64 encoder/decoder v1.2
8. FTP_synchronize v0.9.6
9. NppExport v0.2.5.0


Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 15 января 2008 03:28
· Личное сообщение · #10

Notepad++ v4.7.5


In order to make a final stable/no regression v4.7.x, Notepad++ v4.7.5 comes out so I can finally make updater point to this new release. This release (installer) contains Explorer context menu for 64 bits system. As well, YAML language is supported.

Notepad++ v4.7.5 fixed bugs and added features (from v4.7.3):

1. Fix invisible tabs bug while closing.
2. Fix the horizon scroll bar flicker bug.
3. Fix the full screen (F11) bug regarding multi-display issue
4. Explorer context menu is available under xp 64 bits et vista 64 bits.
5. Add YAML language.
6. Fix the crash issue of window dialog while clicking Sort button without selected item.
7. Enhance Sort feature GUI part - Enable Sort button only after clicking on the column tab; Disable Sort button after sorting.

Included plugins:
1. TexFX v0.24a
2. NppExec v0.2 RC2
3. Spell Checker v1.3.1
4. Quick text v0.02
5. Explorer plugin v1.6.1
6. Hex editor v0.84
7. Base64 encoder/decoder v1.2
8. FTP_synchronize v0.9.6
9. NppExport v0.2.5.0




Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 18 февраля 2008 03:47
· Личное сообщение · #11

Notepad++ 4.8 RC

Changes in version 4.8:
1. Enhance Shortcut Mapper - all the commands (including plugins commands) can be assigned to a shortcut, even for the unmapped ones.
2. Upgrade Scintilla from v1.73 to v1.75
3. Add multi-line and vertical capacity for tab bar.
4. Add launch "as notepad" style feature (detection of asNotepad.xml, then launch notepad++ with -multiInst -nosession -notabbar options).
5. Add detection mouse wheel on the different view feature : User can scroll edit view when mouse on it, it's not necessary to set edit view as current view to scroll it.
6. Add clicking middle mouse button click to set current view feature : make clicked edit view be focused, but the cursor position does not change.
7. Add mouse wheel horizontal scroll feature (vista only).
8. Add mouse browsing (forward/back for switching to next/previous document) feature.
9. Make orange indicator on the top of tab lighter when the view loss the focus.
10. Add new look and feel of Docking container.
11. Fix word-completion crash bug while the word to complete exceeds 256 characters.
12. Fix full screen mode bug : can not switch applications by using Alt+TAB in full screen mode.
13. Fix Preference crash bug.
14. Add the utf8->ansi / ansi->utf8 conversion feature.
15. Add Go to offset feature (in Go To Line dialog).
16. Fix folding bugs while deleting the begin/end folding keywords.
17. Fix position restored bug : Wrap position is restored correctly while switching back document.
18. Fix locking current directory behaviour : Restore Notepad++ directory as working directory with no open files.
19. Fix the multi-line tab height display problem while adding/removing the document.

Included plugins :
1. TexFX v0.24a
2. NppExec v0.2 RC3.2
3. Spell Checker v1.3.1
4. Explorer plugin v1.7.1
5. Hex editor v0.84
6. Base64 encoder/decoder v1.2
7. FTP_synchronize v0.9.6
8. NppExport v0.2.6


Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 27 февраля 2008 08:38
· Личное сообщение · #12

Notepad++ 4.8
Changes in version 4.8:
1. Enhance Shortcut Mapper - all the commands (including plugins commands) can be assigned to a shortcut, even for the unmapped ones.
2. Upgrade Scintilla from v1.73 to v1.75
3. Add multi-line and vertical capacity for tab bar.
4. Add launch "as notepad" style feature (detection of asNotepad.xml, then launch notepad++ with -multiInst -nosession -notabbar options).
5. Add detection mouse wheel on the different view feature : User can scroll edit view when mouse on it, it's not necessary to set edit view as current view to scroll it.
6. Add clicking middle mouse button click to set current view feature : make clicked edit view be focused, but the cursor position does not change.
7. Add mouse wheel horizontal scroll feature (vista only).
8. Add mouse browsing (forward/back for switching to next/previous document) feature.
9. Make orange indicator on the top of tab lighter when the view loss the focus.
10. Add new look and feel of Docking container.
11. Fix word-completion crash bug while the word to complete exceeds 256 characters.
12. Fix full screen mode bug : can not switch applications by using Alt+TAB in full screen mode.
13. Fix Preference crash bug.
14. Add the utf8->ansi / ansi->utf8 conversion feature.
15. Add Go to offset feature (in Go To Line dialog).
16. Fix folding bugs while deleting the begin/end folding keywords.
17. Fix position restored bug : Wrap position is restored correctly while switching back document.
18. Fix locking current directory behaviour : Restore Notepad++ directory as working directory with no open files.
19. Fix the multi-line tab height display problem while adding/removing the document.


Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 03 марта 2008 07:45
· Личное сообщение · #13

Notepad++ 4.8.1

Due to several critical issue in v4.8 OR, Notepad++ v4.8.1 is released :

The blue screen/reboot problem is due to vista manifest file in GUP, the auto-updater used by Notepad++
(see : support.microsoft.com/kb/921337 ),
the manifest file is removed from GUP in order to remedy this problem.
As well, the auto-updater won't check update for vista users in this version.
Users can launch auto-updater manually.

Shortcut Shift+Del, Shift+Ins and Ctrl+Ins are back in this version.
However there's always input problem for non-ainsi characters (for example, Cyrillic characters).
It's sue that this bug is related with updating to Scintilla 1.75 from 1.73.
I don't find out yet why and how. Please let me know if you identify the problem.
For the Cyrillic users, please stick with v4.7.5 until this problem is solved in the next version.

Notepad++ v4.8.1 fixed bugs and added features (from v4.7.5) :
1. Enhance Shortcut Mapper - all the commands (including plugins commands) can be assigned to a shortcut, even for the unmapped ones.
2. Upgrade Scintilla from v1.73 to v1.75
3. Add multi-line and vertical capacity for tab bar.
4. Add launch "as notepad" style feature (detection of asNotepad.xml, then launch notepad++ with -multiInst -nosession -notabbar options).
5. Add detection mouse wheel on the different view feature : User can scroll edit view when mouse on it, it's not necessary to set edit view as current view to scroll it.
6. Add clicking middle mouse button click to set current view feature : make clicked edit view be focused, but the cursor position does not change.
7. Add mouse wheel horizontal scroll feature (vista only).
8. Add mouse browsing (forward/back for switching to next/previous document) feature.
9. Make orange indicator on the top of tab lighter when the view loss the focus.
10. Add new look and feel of Docking container.
11. Fix word-completion crash bug while the word to complete exceeds 256 characters.
12. Fix full screen mode bug : can not switch applications by using Alt+TAB in full screen mode.
13. Fix Preference crash bug.
14. Add the utf8->ansi / ansi->utf8 conversion feature.
15. Add Go to offset feature (in Go To Line dialog).
16. Fix folding bugs while deleting the begin/end folding keywords.
17. Fix position restored bug : Wrap position is restored correctly while switching back document.
18. Fix locking current directory behaviour : Restore Notepad++ directory as working directory with no open files.
19. Fix the multi-line tab height display problem while adding/removing the document.
20. Enhance the auto-completion feature : user can define the number of characters to trigger auto-completion popup window.
21. Change the horizontal scroll behaviour from dynamic one to static one.
22. Fix the bug that cannot save file(s) if application closed while minimized.

Included plugins :
1. TexFX v0.24a
2. NppExec v0.2 RC3.2
3. Spell Checker v1.3.1
4. Hex editor v0.84
5. Base64 encoder/decoder v1.2
6. FTP_synchronize v0.9.6
7. NppExport v0.2.7.2
8. Compare plugin v1.5.1
9. Light Explorer v1.4


Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 10 марта 2008 06:24
· Личное сообщение · #14

Notepad++ 4.8.2

Changes in version 4.8.2:
1. Fix unicode input problem for non-western language.
2. Add the capacity (behaviour) of keeping line highlighting even when Notepad++ loss its focus.
3. Fix missing fonts problem in font list of Stylers configurator.
4. Fix the hot key problem : make Alt+f+s work again.
5. Fix the hardware problem : make keyboard commands (such as "e-mail", "calculator", "sound", ...) works again.


Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 15 июля 2008 10:51
· Личное сообщение · #15

Notepad++ v5.0.1


Notepad++ v5.0.1 fixed bugs and added features (from v5):
1. Fix tags match highlighter bug - more accurate.
2. Fix word completion doesn't display bug.
3. Fix word completion not in alphabet order.
4. Fix Notepad++ launch problem under WINE.
5. Fix crash issue due to timestamp problem.
6. Fix bug : Files not in recent list on exit and no session saved.
7. Fix bug : hide lines not working right when closing.
8. Re-enable gcc compiler environment (minGW).
9. Fix bug : Syntax highlighting is not applied after "Save as".

Included plugins:
1. TexFX v0.24a
2. NppExec v0.2 RC3.2
3. Spell Checker v1.3.1
4. MIME Tools v1.4
5. FTP_synchronize v0.9.6
6. NppExport v0.2.7.3
7. Compare plugin v1.5.1
8. Light Explorer v1.5
9. Doc Monitor v2.1




Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 16 июля 2008 18:44
· Личное сообщение · #16

X-Notepad++ (Aspell) v5.0.1 [rev4]

The "X" has several advantages in terms of portability and also includes Aspell (correcting spelling) and the Italian language.

How to change default language and spell checker
1. You can change the language & default spell chechker settings in the X-Notepad++.ini.

2. If you want to change the menu language you need to copy the nativeLang.xml from original Notepad++ into the Lib\Notepad++\locale dir of X-Notepad++ as [language name].xml, eg dutch.xml.

3. More dictioniaries can be downloaded from aspell.net/win32/.
- Run the downloaded .exe file, answer the Abort question with NO
- Go to TmpInstall
- Copy the data & dict dirs into the Lib\Aspell dir of X-Notepad++


Portable: _http://www.winpenpack.com/main/download.php?view.744
Aspell Dictionaries: _http://aspell.net/win32/

Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 22 июля 2008 09:35
· Личное сообщение · #17

Notepad++ v5.0.2


Notepad++ v5.0.2 fixed bugs and added features (from v5.0.1) :
1. Fix crash bug for tags match highlighting.
2. Fix the huge file makes notepad++ crash issue.
3. Fix adding item in the history file list while deleting file from Notepad++ bug.
4. Fix a bug that file detection options set are not saved due to doc monitor plugin.
5. Improve opening file performance.
6. Fix bug when closing file using close button.




Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 04 августа 2008 02:13
· Личное сообщение · #18

Notepad++ v5.0.3


Changes in Notepad++ 5.0.3:
1. Fix crash bug while processing find in all opened files/find in files in a file contains a very long line.
2. Fix the display problem in found results dialog while processing find in all opened files/find in files in a file contains a very long line.
3. Fix not remembering the history file setting "Don't check at launch time" option bug.




Ранг: 387.4 (мудрец)
Активность: 0.170
Статус: Участник

Создано: 04 августа 2008 07:21
· Личное сообщение · #19

linhanshi, have a look at my patch:
http://exelab.ru/f/action=vthread&topic=12459&forum=12&pag e=0#1

Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 04 августа 2008 07:29
· Личное сообщение · #20


Thanks for share.

Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 15 февраля 2009 18:50
· Личное сообщение · #21

Notepad++ v5.2

Changelog for v5.2 / 2009-02-08

1. Fix Function Tip crash issue.
2. Fix the find in files crash bug while cloned views are side by side and focus is on main view.
3. Fix a crash bug after searching/replacing in files returned with no results.
4. Enhance "Find in all opened files" and "Find in files" features.
5. Add Replace in files feature.
6. Fix command line parsing to accept unquoted files as single argument.
7. Refine "open ANSI files as UTF8 w/o BOM" feature.
8. Add minidump feature in the case of crash for debug use.
9. Adjust PostIt/FullScreen behaviour to mix well together.
10. The file filters and the directory are set while find/replace/findInFiles dialog is launched.
11. Adding find in files filters supports user defined language.
12. Fix the bug that texts in combo box of Find dialog are restored not in order on the launch time.
13. Add NPPM_DOOPEN plugin message.

Download:Setup: downloads.sourceforge.net/notepad-plus/npp.5.2.Installer.exe
Standalone: downloads.sourceforge.net/notepad-plus/npp.5.2.bin.zip

Notepad++ Portable v5.2

- Notepad++ updated to 5.2
- Multilingual installer (not all strings translated yet)


Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 23 февраля 2009 22:19
· Личное сообщение · #22

X-Notepad++ v5.2 [rev8 aspell]


Portable: www.winpenpack.com/main/request.php?744


Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 02 мая 2009 09:14
· Личное сообщение · #23

Notepad++ v5.4 RC2


1. Add theme selector to switch styles.xml on the fly, change styles.xml on one click.
2. Add google chrome drag and derop tab feature : drag out tab to create a new instance, transfer documents among several instances by drag and drop.
3. Add Mark all extension : user can mark any occurrence with 5 different colours.
4. Add new feature : column selection allows to insertion a string by typing characters in sequence (w/o column mode editor).
5. Detect UTF16 encoding (BE and LE) w/o BOM.
6. Iixed crash bug : Double click a file associated with an older version of Notepad++ while a newer version of Notepad++ instance is running.
7. lmprove main menu structure (more compact). Language Menu can be compacted as well (optional, in Preference dialog).
8. Fine numbers margin width is changed dynamically according to the needed space (but keeping at least 3 digits).
9. ile history list (under the File menu) is limited to 100 characters per item. Longer file names are fitted to 100 characters by replacing path components with ellipses.
10. Update Scintilla from v1.75 to v1.77.
11. Indent guideline can be shown w/o whitespace or tab symbol.
12. Fixed two bugs when calculating the width of the TaskList (document list when pressing ctrl+tab or right-click + mouse wheel.
13. Add an (hidden) option to make the "Filters" and "Directory" fields follow the current opened document in "Find in files" dialog. The new parameters are located in config.xml and are called: "fifFilterFollowsDoc" and "fifFolderFollowsDoc" (set to "yes"/"no")
14. Add new command parameters : -c (column) -x et -y (startup position).
15. Remove change line marker which does not work correctly. Include ChangeMarkers plugin instead.
16. Fix bug "Switch to found results window" command now switches back to the current edit view if the focus is already on the found results.
17. Fix the search result inaccurate colorization bug.
18. Fix the Mark all in selection bug (while Find Replace Dialog loosing the focus).
20. Fix New document not be switched while double clicking in Find in files result panel.
21. Fix conversion min to Maj and Maj to min (or vice et versa) in column selection bug.

Included plugins (Unicode):
1. TextFX v0.26
2. NppExec v0.3 RC1
3. Spell Checker v1.3.2
4. MIME Tools v1.5
5. FTP_synchronize v0.9.6
6. NppExport v0.2.8
7. Doc Monitor v2.2
8. NppNetNote v0.1
9. ChangeMarkers 1.2.0

Included plugins (ANSI):
1. TextFX v0.25
2. NppExec v0.3 RC1
3. Spell Checker v1.3.1
4. MIME Tools v1.5
5. FTP_synchronize v0.9.6
6. NppExport v0.2.8
7. Light Explorer v1.5
8. Doc Monitor v2.2
9. NppNetNote v0.1
10. ChangeMarkers 1.2.0


Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 28 мая 2009 08:42
· Личное сообщение · #24

Notepad++ v5.4.1


1. Add ChangeMarkers plugin in installer.
2. Add theme description in installer.
3. Make installer update contextMenu.xml (backup the old one then override it with the new one).
4. Fix lastRecentFileList localization issue.
5. Add readonly change status notification for plugin system.
6. Fix Styler Configurator user extension handler.




Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 01 июня 2009 06:44
· Личное сообщение · #25

Notepad++ v5.4.2


If there's no critical bug found, v5.4.2 should be the last version of v5.4.x.
1. Fix the localization switcher bug while w/o doLocalConf.xml.
2. Fix only one document "Move to other view" close Notepad++ instance issue.
3. Fix plugin menu boolean check box bug.




Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 07 июня 2009 10:33
· Личное сообщение · #26



1. Fix clickable link styling bug.
2. Fix document tab click launching a new instance bug.




Ранг: 605.2 (!), 341thx
Активность: 0.470.25
Статус: Модератор
Research & Development

Создано: 07 июня 2009 11:39
· Личное сообщение · #27

I really do not understand: what for do you post about each new build, linhanshi?
If someone is interested in Notepad++, he checks updates in npp itself


Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 08 июня 2009 16:14
· Личное сообщение · #28

I very much respect your views

I have been in use, it should be open-source software, if not necessary.

Ранг: 107.3 (ветеран), 5thx
Активность: 0.20.04
Статус: Участник

Создано: 09 июня 2009 04:03
· Личное сообщение · #29

I use portable Notepad++ portableappz.blogspot.com/2009/06/notepad-543-multilingual.html

Ранг: 133.2 (ветеран), 44thx
Активность: 0.120
Статус: Участник

Создано: 10 июня 2009 10:27
· Личное сообщение · #30


Wait you.

. 1 . 2 . >>
 eXeL@B —› WorldWide —› Notepad++ (latest version)
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